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Special Education

The Waterford Education Cooperative provides special education services to North Cape, Washing Caldwell, Waterford Graded, and Waterford Union High School.

Requests for Special Education Evaluation (Child Find)

Current K-12th Grade Students

We understand the importance of providing educational support to every student. If you believe your child may benefit from accommodations under Section 504 or special education services, we invite you to contact your school or the Waterford Education Cooperative. Our team is committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment. 

For CurrentPre-K Students OR 3-5 Year-Olds not yet Attending School

For current Pre-K Students (those attending  4K program), please contact your school’s school psychologist, building principal, or the Waterford Education Cooperative

School Psychologists

Skyler Bohn (Evergreen/Fox River) - 262-514-8200 x6504

Sara Hammer (Woodfield/Trailside) - 262-514-8200 x6505

Hannah Koenig (Waterford Union High School/Early Childhood) - 262-534-3189 x3408

Evan Saunders (North Cape/Washington Caldwell) - 262-835-4069


Waterford Education Cooperative Office - 262-534-4034


All disability services are offered at the individual schools except the early childhood program for children 3 and 4 years old. Children 4 years old will also be services at their home schools.

Educating Young Children with Disabilities

Each school district in Wisconsin is responsible for providing a continuum of Special Education and Related Services to Children with Disabilities and who need special education. Children are evaluated to determine if they meet one of the state's eligibility criteria. Special education and related services may provide consultation to staff, direct services to the child, training related to the disability, and other services that are identified in the child's Individualized Education Program.

Meet the Team

Michael Rosandich

Director of Special Education and Pupil Services
Waterford Education Cooperative


Jana Williams M.S., CCC-SLP

Associate Director of Special Education
Waterford Education Cooperative 



Michelle Allender 

Administrative Assistant 
Waterford Education Cooperative 




Nicole Millard

Administrative Assistant 
Waterford Education Cooperative 



Ruth Book

Speech and Language 


Evan Saunders

School Psychologist


Special Education Teachers

Elizabeth Griffiths- Elementary Special Education

Telephone: (262) 835 - 4069 ext. 131


Brianna Visalda- Middle School Special Education

Telephone: (262) 835 - 4069 ext. 126


Sandra Bluemel- Special Education Assistant


Lori Lund- Special Education Assistant


Any questions regarding Special Education services or programming, please contact:

Waterford Education Cooperative 


611 W Main Street 
Waterford, WI 53185